The Future of Sustainable Activewear: Trends to Watch in 2023 and Beyond

The world is changing, and so is the way we think about fashion. As consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of their choices, sustainable activewear is emerging as a major trend in the fitness industry. With new technologies and materials constantly being developed, there are exciting trends to watch in the world of eco-friendly fitness fashion. In this post, we'll explore the latest innovations and what the future might hold for sustainable activewear.

1. Innovative Fabrics

One of the most significant trends in sustainable activewear is the use of innovative fabrics. Manufacturers are experimenting with everything from recycled plastic bottles to bamboo to create fabrics that are both eco-friendly and high-performance. In the coming years, we can expect to see even more creative uses of sustainable materials, including new blends and hybrids that offer the best of both worlds.

ISPO Awards Prosperity Textile for Fabric Innovation – Sourcing Journal

2. Circular Design

Another trend to watch is circular design. This approach focuses on creating products that are designed to be reused, recycled, or repurposed at the end of their life cycle. This eliminates waste and ensures that resources are used more efficiently. As more brands embrace circular design principles, we can expect to see a shift towards a more sustainable and responsible fashion industry.

Circular fashion: what is it and why is it important? - TPOP


3. Tech-Enabled Fitness Wearables

As wearable technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more integration of tech into sustainable activewear. Fitness trackers and other wearables are already popular among fitness enthusiasts, and in the future, we may see more eco-friendly options that use sustainable materials and are designed with circular principles in mind.

4. Customization and Personalization

Consumers are increasingly demanding products that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences, and sustainable activewear is no exception. In the future, we may see more brands offering customizable and personalized options, allowing customers to choose fabrics, colors, and styles that suit their unique tastes and needs. This not only reduces waste but also promotes a more sustainable and ethical approach to fashion.

5. Transparency and Traceability

Finally, we can expect to see increased transparency and traceability in the sustainable activewear industry. As consumers become more conscious of the impact of their choices, they are demanding more information about the products they purchase. Brands that prioritize transparency and traceability, by providing information about their supply chain, manufacturing processes, and environmental impact, will be well-positioned to succeed in the future.


The future of sustainable activewear is bright, with exciting innovations and trends on the horizon. From innovative fabrics to circular design, tech-enabled wearables to customization and personalization, and increased transparency and traceability, the sustainable activewear industry is poised for growth and transformation. As consumers continue to demand more sustainable and ethical options, the industry will need to keep up with changing trends and technologies to remain relevant and competitive.


  1. What is sustainable activewear? Sustainable activewear refers to fitness clothing that is made using eco-friendly and sustainable materials, and that is designed with circular principles in mind. This includes fabrics made from recycled materials, as well as products that are designed to be reused, recycled, or repurposed at the end of their life cycle.
  2. Why is sustainable activewear important? Sustainable activewear is important because it helps to reduce waste and pollution, and promotes a more responsible and ethical approach to fashion. By choosing eco-friendly options, consumers can make a positive impact on the environment and support brands that prioritize sustainability.
  3. What are some examples of sustainable activewear materials? Some examples of sustainable activewear materials include recycled polyester, organic cotton, bamboo, and Tencel. These materials are eco-friendly because they require less water and energy to produce, and they
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